Just Me!

Just Me!

Thursday, 30 December 2010

No Oil Painting...

Having follwed a long photshop tut on getting an oil painting effect, and not liking the end result, I tried my own method...just 2 steps..and was really pleased with the outcome. These 2 photos were taken at a local park at the beach..you can see the sea in the distance, and I think the snowy scenes work well as paintings. (did try the effect on a pic of me..the result was, frankly,scary! will have to work on that one..)


  1. Is that like a big (WHITE) Oil Spill? LOL

  2. I love these scenes, the effects made me think I needed 3d glasses. Is that what you were trying to achieve? Jacki

  3. methinks I have just been insulted by Ron..revenge will be mine..lol!
    @ jackie..I see what you mean..those reddish lines DO look like a 3d pic..will have to go back to photoshop n work at this some more!

  4. I can sure pick out the 3D texture. Interesting.
    BTW, I love your smiling face that appears when I visit your blog...a real day brightener!

  5. Nice effect, and it does look 3d. I use a program called Corel Painter Essentials 4. It can add many different painterly effects. Its a lot of fun. Here is some of my work:
    http://essentialscafe.com/photos/top5cats/default.aspx. I use Photoshop too and the brushes can give some cool effects.

  6. Beautiful images to start with and I love how dimensional the technique makes the image! Beautiful!

  7. Very nice technique. It is almost surreal.

  8. Hi Joanne,

    These turned out wonderful! I think you will need to share your technique so we all can give it a try.
