Scotch On The Docks
Just Me!

Monday, 24 January 2011
Chocolate With Extras...Day 23 - Theme 48 - Chocolate
We found this chocolate in Amsterdam (surprise surprise!!). My teenage sons were very keen to buy some...and took great pleasure in bringing it home and sharing it with their mates..very cool, apparently! It actually didn't contain any potent ingredients..and, tbh it wasn't very tasty..give me a bar of Thorntons 70% any day!
Sitting Comfortably...Not!! - Day 22 - Theme 42 - Chairs & Benches
Alex insited he wanted to visit the Amsterdam Torture Museum, and had detailed discussions with me over each item. His conclusion was that religion caused most of the crimes, with their resulting over-the-top was either agree with the current religious fashion, or suffer the consequences! This chair was certainly designed to cause maximum pain..though I am sure that I have seen similar things nowadays advertised as "relaxation devices" made to stimulate endorphins..go figure!
Day 21 - Theme 161 - Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny
Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny..well in comparison to the big boat we were on! The pilot boat followed us as we left Amsterdam...the water was choppy to start with, and in the wake of the big boat, the little one was going up and down at an alarming rate! My lads thought it would be an awesome job to work on it, though!
Sea View - Day 20, Theme 7 - Aqua
We took a weekend trip to Amsterdam..2 nights on the boat, and 1 day in the city. Although our day in Amsterdam wasn't brilliant (it rained, and the city was a mass of building works!) we loved being on the boat..and would definitely do it again! This picture is of paul and you can see from pauls hair, it was rather windy....
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Nothing says Relaxation...Day 19...Theme 239 - Relaxation
Got so many cat photos, so tried to get a lot of them on one page. Most of my cats seem to sleep in very odd positions..I think they are secretly doing cat yoga! If we humans could relax with the total oblivion of a cat, we would have a lot less stress in our lives!
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Oil Rigs - Day 18 - Theme 88 - Every Day Sights
Paul and I often walk by the docks on the way to town, and on the way back home we saw this oil rig was in for repair at one of the local ship yards. This is such an everyday sight, I have never thought to photograph them before. They are so huge, and quite majestic to look at especially when they are lit up at night. I turned the photo sepia, as I love to imagine the docks as they were 100 years ago. It is rather sad, as so many of the shipyards closed under Thatchers government in the 70's/80's...what once a bustling line of dockyards is now very quiet.
Mmmm..Breakfast! - Day 17 - Theme 30 - Breakfast
My husbands face was a picture, as he watched me photograph my breakfast...I am sure he thought I had finally lost it! (perhaps I should have taken a picture of him!). This is one of my favourite breakfasts if we have plenty of fruit...otherwise it is a typical Scottish bowl of porridge...tasty, but not half as photogenic!
Say Cheese...Please? - Day 16 - Theme 44 - Cheese
We had a meal out as a family at a local pub. As well as the food being great, we all like it because you can sit on squashy leather sofas to have your meal. My boys sat opposite Paul and I, and being me I thought "photo opportunity!" But despite several minutes of pleasing, they refused to pose, and just mucked I took what I could get..and being in scrapping mode, had a bit play with it in photoshop. TBH, I rather like shows the real them!
Only A Part of Me - Day 15 - Theme - 277 Something about you
I have been scrapbooking quite a bit lately, so my photos have ended up as pages! My youngest son, Alex, looked so smart in his new jumper, so I made him pose for a picture (it made a change, as he usually lounges about in his boxers most of the time!)
Here is the end result.
Here is the end result.
Friday, 14 January 2011
Fast Food - Day 14 - Theme 99
At my local park there is a Victorian boating lake, and in the middle is a little sheltered island, home to a group of swans, and various types of duck. Paul and I often take a walk with left over bread or seeds, to feed them. We started doing this when our boys were little, the boys grew out of it, but we never did! The minute you appear at the side of the lakes, the swans are gliding over, and if you aren't quick enough with the food, they are out of the lake and surrounding you, and they will eat from your hand, or straight from the bag. And if you don't pay attention to the bread in your hand,a seagull will swoop down and steal it!
Thursday, 13 January 2011
On The Move..Day 13 - Theme - 2 Action Shot
Kieran is obsessed with bikes at the moment..I cant move in the hall for them, and there are oily fingerprints everywhere.
He is always keen to impress me with his latest trick or stunt, and this time I was lucky enough to be in exactly the right spot, with the right lighting to get these photos...just right for the "action" theme!
He is always keen to impress me with his latest trick or stunt, and this time I was lucky enough to be in exactly the right spot, with the right lighting to get these photos...just right for the "action" theme!
Dont Remember Washing That..Day 12..Theme
Got home really tired, and figured I better get started on the ironing before I sat down, else I might not get back up again! Worked my way through a seemingly never ending heap, and an hour later turned round to see what was left...and this is what I saw! I certainly didn't remember washing them, and they didn't look like they needed ironing either...they looked so peaceful, I just left them. (this should have been posted Wednesday, but my laptop would not co-operate!)
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Sunset - Day 11 - Free Theme
This was taken on my friends farm, for a change..not a cat in! As there is no street lighting for some distance around the farm, you really get the full impact of a sunset. Made a stencil in photoshop to cut out the photo. It took a lot longer than I had planned to get everything lined up to my satisfaction, but I am pleased with the end results.
Monday, 10 January 2011
L is for Laptop - Day 10 - Theme 313 - The Letter L
Got really behind on loading my daily pics...just caught up on the weekend ones, then thought.."what about today?" Was stuck, then looked down and figured I may as well take a photo of what I could see right now..and this is it!
What you are looking at is my lap...complete with laptop, as I surf and do my blog. Rather than having my laptop comfortably on my lap, however, it is balance precariously on my kneecaps...If were to lift my hands, it would fall off!
The reason, as you can see, is that my cats do not view a laptop as an impediment to sitting my my times I have up to three sharing the space..with one wedged down the side of the armchair..tbh..I wouldnt have it any other way!
What you are looking at is my lap...complete with laptop, as I surf and do my blog. Rather than having my laptop comfortably on my lap, however, it is balance precariously on my kneecaps...If were to lift my hands, it would fall off!
The reason, as you can see, is that my cats do not view a laptop as an impediment to sitting my my times I have up to three sharing the space..with one wedged down the side of the armchair..tbh..I wouldnt have it any other way!
Triple Twilight - Day 9 - Theme 330 - Three
Paul and I like to have a hour or so's walk on a Sunday..usually to walk off our Sunday lunch. We normally take the same route, and are so busy talking we don't really pay attention to the view! Since I started this challenge, though, I have been keeping my eyes open for photo worthy subjects. These trees silhouetted against the twilight looked so pretty, I had to photograph them...though as I dont have a tripod I had to use a not very photographic rubbish bin to keep my camera steady!
Cropped out the bin, and had a play with it in photoshop...and ended up with this....
Cropped out the bin, and had a play with it in photoshop...and ended up with this....
Something about you - Day 8 - Theme 277
Cookie, my one fluffy cat,(and a bit of a dizzy "blonde" has something of an obsession with Pepsi, my smallest girlie cat. This obsession usually involves him lurking on a chair, hidden under the table cloth, and jumping on her as she ambles past. As Pepsi does not indulge in the "fun fights" popular among the other cats, Cookies behaviour is treated with a loud yowl, and a hard slap..followed by Pepsi wedged behind the TV.
Today I caught him trying a new tactic to get close to his lady love..sneaking up her while she is sleeping, and gently sniffing her. Pepsi remained in a relaxed mood, and Cookie went unslapped, so I think you could call it a result!
Today I caught him trying a new tactic to get close to his lady love..sneaking up her while she is sleeping, and gently sniffing her. Pepsi remained in a relaxed mood, and Cookie went unslapped, so I think you could call it a result!
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