Just Me!

Just Me!

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Nothing says Relaxation...Day 19...Theme 239 - Relaxation

Got so many cat photos, so tried to get a lot of them on one page. Most of my cats seem to sleep in very odd positions..I think they are secretly doing cat yoga! If we humans could relax with the total oblivion of a cat, we would have a lot less stress in our lives!


  1. Adorable! My cats don't sleep tangled up. I wish they did

  2. A great collage Cat's seem to be able to relax in the most odd positions, something to learn from :-)

  3. You've got a bunch of lazy cats! This makes the cutest scrapbook page, love it!

  4. I'm glad you take the time to digitally scrap your photos. I so enjoy this presentation.

  5. You said it! Great photos in this super fine presentation. They must really feel secure to sprawl on their backs like that.

  6. Your cats and your page are wonderful! I love seeing the underside of your kitties with all the cute tummy markings. You make me desire an orange and white kitty!

  7. Great presentation of what cats like to do best!!

  8. Super cat collage :-) they do seem to be very relaxed.
